93 research outputs found

    Effects of cigarette smoking on SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 expression in the respiratory epithelium(dagger)

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    Due to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, the world is currently facing high morbidity and mortality rates as well as severe disruption to normal societal and social structures. SARS-CoV-2 uses the ACE2 receptor for cellular entry. In a recent publication of The Journal of Pathology, Liu and coworkers highlight the effects of cigarette smoking on ACE2 expression in the respiratory epithelium. The authors studied the effects of acute cigarette smoke exposure in a murine model and confirmed their findings in human lung tissues and gene expression datasets. Their findings demonstrate that cigarette smoking increases ACE2 expression specifically at the apical surface of the airway epithelium. Smoking cessation resulted in lower ACE2 expression, with implications for attenuating the risk of transmission of the virus. The role of ACE2 expression in the development of COVID-19 symptoms is still under investigation, with conflicting results from experimental models on the role of ACE2 expression in SARS-CoV-2-induced lung injury. In this commentary, we highlight the implications and limitations of the study of Liu et al as well as future therapeutic strategies directed towards ACE2. (c) 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

    Airway granulation response to lung-implantable medical devices:a concise overview

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    Increasing numbers of endoscopically implantable devices are implanted in the airways, such as airway stents, one-way valves and coils, to treat both malignant and benign diseases. They significantly improve patient outcomes, but their long-term effectiveness and sustainability is hampered by the reaction of the formation of granulation tissue. Factors including procedural-related tissue injury; micro-organism presence; device-related factors, such as the material, design and sizing in relation to the airway; and patient-related factors, including genetic susceptibility, comorbidities and medication use, might all effect the severity of the tissue response and the subsequent degree of granulation tissue formation. However, research into the underlying mechanism and risk factors is scarce and therefore our knowledge is limited. Joint efforts from the scientific community, both pre-clinical and clinical, are needed to gain a deeper understanding and eventually improve the long-term treatment effectiveness of lung-implantable devices

    The development, validation, and in vivo testing of a high-precision bronchial epithelial lining fluid sampling device.

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    INTRODUCTION: Analysis of respiratory biomarkers or pharmaceutical drug concentrations in bronchial epithelial lining fluid (bELF) using a high-precision sampling method is crucial for effective clinical respiratory diagnostics and research. Here, we utilized a cellulose matrix as an absorptive probe for bELF sampling, subsequently testing the design of a device and sampling technique in vivo. METHODS: The absorptive matrix [Whatman® qualitative filter paper (Grade CF-12)] was first tested through tissue-contact experiments on porcine airway tissue. The absorption and elution capacity of the matrix, as well as the laboratory processing and analysis method, was validated with a range of Interleukin-8 (CXCL8) and C-Reactive protein (CRP) stock solutions. Subsequently, the device's design was optimized for universal in-house production and both, safe and efficient sampling. The airway sampling method was then tested in a group of 10 patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). For each patient, a bELF sample was obtained using the newly developed bELF probe, as well as a reference 20 mL saline bronchial wash sample. Supernatants were assessed, using an immunoassay, for levels of the pro-inflammatory markers CXCL8, Myeloperoxidase (MPO), and CRP. The bELF samples were compared to bronchial wash. RESULTS: The Whatman® qualitative filter paper (Grade CF-12) bELF probes adhered to porcine airway tissue, softening slightly upon wetting. The material maintained architectural integrity following the removal of the probes, leaving no residual fibers on the porcine airway mucosa. The bELF probe design was optimized for bronchoscopic delivery and in-house production. On average, a fully saturated bELF probe carried 32 μL of protein-rich fluid. The mean return of CXCL8 and CRP from samples collected from a serial dilution series (1, 5, 10, 20 ng/mL) was 69% (range 48%-87%). The bELF probe detected, on average, 7 (MPO), 14 (CRP), and 59 (CXCL8) times higher equivalent inflammatory protein concentrations in the collected bELF probe samples compared to the bronchial wash. CONCLUSION: The bELF probe is an effective absorptive technology for high-precision bELF sampling without dilution. With a simple in-house production procedure and bronchoscopic sampling technique, this method can be introduced in any bronchoscopic center for a consistent sampling of bELF.</p

    Crosslink bio-adhesives for bronchoscopic lung volume reduction:current status and future direction

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    Several bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) treatments have been developed to reduce hyperinflation in emphysema patients. Lung bio-adhesives are among the most promising new BLVR treatment options, as they potentially provide a permanent solution for emphysematous patients after only a single application. To date, bio-adhesives have mainly been used as haemostats and tissue sealants, while their application in permanently contracting and sealing hyperinflated lung tissue has recently been identified as a novel and enticing opportunity. However, a major drawback of the current adhesive technology is the induction of severe inflammatory responses and adverse events upon administration. In our review, we distinguish between and discuss various natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic tissue haemostats and sealants that have been used for pulmonary applications such as sealing air/fluid leaks. Furthermore, we present an overview of the different materials including AeriSeal and autologous blood that have been used to achieve lung volume reduction and discuss their respective advantages and drawbacks. In conclusion, we describe the key biological (therapeutic benefit and biocompatibility) and biomechanical (degradability, adhesive strength, stiffness, viscoelasticity, tunability and self-healing capacity) characteristics that are essential for an ideal lung bio-adhesive material with the potential to overcome the concerns related to current adhesives

    Regulation of cellular senescence by extracellular matrix during chronic fibrotic diseases

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of macromolecules surrounding cells providing structural support and stability to tissues. The understanding of the ECM and the diverse roles it plays in development, homoeostasis and injury have greatly advanced in the last three decades. The ECM is crucial for maintaining tissue homoeostasis but also many pathological conditions arise from aberrant matrix remodelling during ageing. Ageing is characterised as functional decline of tissue over time ultimately leading to tissue dysfunction, and is a risk factor in many diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, glaucoma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and fibrosis. ECM changes are recognised as a major driver of aberrant cell responses. Mesenchymal cells in aged tissue show signs of growth arrest and resistance to apoptosis, which are indicative of cellular senescence. It was recently postulated that cellular senescence contributes to the pathogenesis of chronic fibrotic diseases in the heart, kidney, liver and lung. Senescent cells negatively impact tissue regeneration while creating a pro-inflammatory environment as part of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) favouring disease progression. In this review, we explore and summarise the current knowledge around how aberrant ECM potentially influences the senescent phenotype in chronic fibrotic diseases. Lastly, we will explore the possibility for interventions in the ECM-senescence regulatory pathways for therapeutic potential in chronic fibrotic diseases.</p

    AGER expression and alternative splicing in bronchial biopsies of smokers and never smokers

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    Abstract Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence is accumulating that Receptor for Advanced Glycation-End products (RAGE)-signaling is a key pathway in the pathophysiology of COPD. To date, it is unknown how smoking affects RAGE expression. In the current study, we investigated the effect of smoking on AGER, the gene encoding RAGE, expression and on alternative splicing of AGER. To this end, we conducted RNA-Seq on bronchial biopsies for asymptomatic smokers (n = 36) and never smokers (n = 40). Total AGER gene expression was accessed using DESeq2, while alternative splicing was investigated by measuring the number of specific split reads spanning exon-exon junctions and the total split reads. One of the major isoforms of RAGE is endogenous soluble (es) RAGE, an anti-inflammatory decoy receptor, making up for approximately 10% of the total amount of soluble (s)RAGE. We found that smokers show decreased total gene expression of AGER in bronchial biopsies, while the relative abundance of the esRAGE isoform is increased. Furthermore, no difference in the serum levels of total sRAGE were observed between smokers and non-smokers. Our data indicates that smoking initiates a protective anti-inflammatory mechanism with decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory gene AGER and increased relative abundance of the anti-inflammatory isoform esRAGE

    Mitochondria:at the crossroads of regulating lung epithelial cell function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Disturbances in mitochondrial structure and function in lung epithelial cells have been implicated in the pathogenesis of various lung diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Such disturbances affect not only cellular energy metabolism but also alter a range of indispensable cellular homeostatic functions in which mitochondria are known to be involved. These range from cellular differentiation, cell death pathways, and cellular remodeling to physical barrier function and innate immunity. all of which are known to be impacted by exposure to cigarette smoke and have been linked to COPD pathogenesis. Next to their well-established role as the first physical frontline against external insults, lung epithelial cells are immunologically active. Malfunctioning epithelial cells with defective mitochondria are unable to maintain homeostasis and respond adequately to further stress or injury, which may ultimately shape the phenotype of lung diseases. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of cigarette smoke on the development of mitochondrial dysfunction in the lung epithelium and highlight the consequences for cell function, innate immune responses, epithelial remodeling, and epithelial barrier function in COPD. We also discuss the applicability and potential therapeutic value of recently proposed strategies for the restoration of mitochondrial function in the treatment of COPD
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